Category Archives: For the Home
Vintage dresser re-purpose as a kitchen island
An adorable trash to treasure re-do with bright paint and old spigot handles
Vintage Coke crate repurposed into a footstool
Vintage TV upcycled into an aquarium
Vintage doilies patched together as a chair cover!
For a hunting/fishing cabin, half a canoe as a wall shelf!
Perfect for a hunting/fishing cabin, half a canoe as a wall shelf! #canoe #fishing
— bottledupdesigns (@bottledupdesign) June 5, 2014
A pretty way to create and display a summertime wreath!
Stunning table made from an old garage door
What a beautiful way to use an old barrel in the house
A beautiful way to use an old barrel! #decor #vintage
— bottledupdesigns (@bottledupdesign) May 27, 2014